Sunday, February 13, 2011

"American Style Kobe Beef Burger"

I saw this at Trader Joe's the other day and couldn't resist.

Wow, 56 grams of fat (nearly 2 oz.) per 8 oz. burger.

Each patty is individually vacuum-sealed and measures 4.5 inches in diameter.

Each patty is about 1 inch in thickness.

The burger hits a screaming hot cast iron pan.  I seasoned with a bit of black pepper and salt.

Time for a flip.

The burger resting.

I used a simple brioche bun from Trader Joe's.

The assembled burger with a slice of white onion (it's there, trust me).  I accidentally over-toasted the bun.

The burger cut in half.

Close up of the burger.

I overcooked this burger but it was still quite tasty.  The center turned out medium but was very juicy and tender.  I will adjust the cooking time and temperature next time for a medium-rare burger.


  1. How long did you cook it for on each side ? I just bought it, but trying to figure out the optimal cooking time. thanks.

  2. Best burger I've had outside of the Idaho panhandle in about a decade. Somewhat expensive, but they are reputed to actually be from Kobe Japan.

  3. No they are domestic a hybred of wagyu and Angus beef called American style Kobe. No beef can be imported from Japan.

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