Wednesday, July 17, 2013

First Sourdough

I've been cultivating a sourdough starter, and it was finally time to try to make some bread using it.  I made a small amount of dough, enough for a demi-baguette and a very small boule.

Ingredients 80g sourdough starter (100% hydration)
160g AP flour
110g water
    4g salt

This yielded 350g of dough, with a final hydration of 75%.  The 80g of starter was on the high end, with a starter flour percentage of 20%.  I wanted to make sure that the starter had enough rising power, and it did.  I let the dough rise at room temperature for 8 hours.  After shaping, I let the loaves proof again.

I scored the loaves.

And baked for 20 minutes at 450F, with 2 ice cubes providing steam.

After cooling, I sliced them open.  The loaves had a nice chewy bite and a crispy crust.  The bread didn't taste very sour, but I didn't expect a very sour bread given the high percentage of starter (and the fact that it is still relatively young).

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